
Local history from Peter KleberIn decades of work, Peter Kleber, Bendorf-Sayn, collected material to the history of Bendorf, Sayn, Mülhofen and stream-mountain, that he/it interested in the local history and home-history, accessible people would like to do.The 24 after Ortsteilen and fact-topics of arranged folders enable themselves a picture of the history Bendorfs and his/its districts the access to old newspaper articles, to books, that very rarely and therefore are hardly attainable, about illustrations and acts, that allow it the reader, to do.The here introduced table informed of the content of the folders, that are Sayn as loan in the parish-archive. There, they can be used on Thursdays by 9 to 12 o'clock.Registration and date-agreement with:Dietrich Schabow, Tel. 02622 4161, or "Dietrich.Schabow@t-online.de." Local history collectionProduce: 25.2.2015 / supplements: 5.1.2016If u contains. a.:- Newspaper clippings of place-historical content from about. 1817 until 2010.- Copies from publications with place-historical reference.- Copies and transcriptions from miscellaneous continuances of the regional-main-archive Koblenz (LHAKo), Z. B. well. 403 (waiter-presidency), well. 441 (government), well. 655,64 (Bürgermeisterei Bendorf).


Ortsgeschichtliche Sammlung Sayn

Mappe 8
   Sayner Grafen - Burg

Mappe 9
   Schloss Sayn

Mappe 10
   Industrie / Gewerbe - Maschinenfabrik d’Ester bzw. Bleul

Mappe 11 Teil 1
   Kirchen/Kapellen - Abtei Sayn

Mappe 11 Teil 2
   Juden - Jakobyschen Anstalt

Mappe 12
   Denkmäler - Straßen - Verkehr - Fremdenverkehr/Hotels/Gasthäuser

Mappe 13
   Vereine - Prozessionen/Feste/Kirmes - Auswanderung - Fotos Alt-Sayn

Mappe 14
   Mühlen in Sayn (Sayntal, Brextal, Saynbach=Hengelbach)

Mappe 15
   Hein’s Mühle (Wentze Mühle, auch Wenze Mühle)

Mappe 16
   Postgeschichte Sayn

Mappe 17
   Sayner Hütte 1

Mappe 18
   Sayner Hütte 2

Mappe 19
   Sayner Hütte 3

Mappe 20
   Sayner Hütte 4

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