
Bendorf-Sayn. the 19.November 2016

Festive service and celebration of the 35th anniversary.

The feast of St. Elizabeth, the Cäcilienfest of the church choir and the 35th birthday of the Förderkreis der Abtei Sayn e.V. were celebrated in a festive service with Pastor Joachim Fey in the abbey church last weekend in Sayn. The church choir St. Marien framed in outstanding way musically.
Fey outlined the life of Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia, who died young. In connection to Sayn, a monstrance with a bone shard of the saint was displayed in front of the altar during the service. "Giving expression to the Church," Father Fey found good examples of this: Praising, admonishing and confident. An expression in architecture: at the consecration of the abbey church in 1202, the Premonstratensian community, then only 80 years young, was a modern form of church that promised a future. "I have not been with them long here in Sayn, but I may confirm this evening that here people work together with heart, mind and hand. The history of the Abtei-Förderkreis has become a success story of voluntary and civic commitment," the pastor emphasized.
"This church building calls for collaboration. Through the patronage, the country is obliged to provide for its preservation and does so in an outstanding way." He not only thanked District Administrator Dr. Alexander Saftig as chairman, but sent his greetings especially to the two directors Elli Sprindt and Renate Holler. "Giving expression to the church also means giving it a voice" and this is done with the church choir and the music of the silent organ. "Where proclamation often no longer reaches the people, music hits the heart".
"In the spirit of Elizabeth, the church should maintain a human-friendly face. I am therefore glad that here in Sayn we could offer refugees shelter in an uncomplicated way and with many active people and 'family sayn' we could give them a feeling of being accepted. Here in Sayn, I am confident that people will continue to come to church services even after the new division of the parishes next March.
There is a good network here, because associations support each other and because the abbey church is a matter close to the hearts of many people," says Fey.
The acting chairman, district administrator Dr. Alexander Saftig, spoke the ceremonial address. "In 35 years of the Förderkreis Abtei Sayn, there have only been five chairmen. This shows how much joy this office gives here. Here one works with much energy and high commitment. Here, church becomes visible and our abbey church is today one of the great gems in the district." In his thanks he included all the board members with their creative ideas, the "Thursday men" whose love for the church is always palpable, and Jürgen Mosen, who had prepared the anniversary celebrations perfectly. Mayor Michael Kessler found emotional words. "Being grateful, feeling joy and appreciation," were his guiding words. "I have respect for what has been created and am pleased that the country also in no way steals from the 'responsibility'". Afterwards, "birthday" was celebrated together in the cloister.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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