Thursday Men
The "Thursday- or abbey men ", who regularly meet on Thursdays are part of the helpers of the Sayn Abbey. They do all the odd jobs that need doing around the abbey or in the gardens.
Winfried Dietz
Thomas Graef
Kunibert Gurkau
Werner Hackenbruch
Remy Harbich
Karl-Josef Kannengießer
Hans Kasper
Friedel Kaumanns
Chirko Kiki
Walter Loh
Jürgen Mosen
Berthold Nett
Manfred Nett
Rudi Nett
Dietrich Schabow
Rolf Zacharias
Some of the regular odd jobs
- Care of the outside-installations about planting and care of the beet and the flower-boxes,
- Cuts of the hedges and lawns mow
- palace work
- Preparations of the rooms being used for celebrations
- Setting up the Christmas nativity
- Plaster work
- sweeping
- Painting in as far as it is not the responsibility of the state patronage
- Produces and care of the parish-archive; Help for archive-users
- Answering enquiries addressed to the archive
- tours for visitors
- odd jobs on the roofs
- Caretaker-activities at the church and in the parsonage.
Cilli Schabow and Otti Graef provide a common breakfast so that the strengths are freshened up. Helga Becker† and Karin Becker had boarded the team over many years.
Deceased members:
Antonius Nett, founder of the „Thursday men“
Walter Schmitt - Klemens Zils - Rudi Backhaus,
Ludwig Klobusch - Klaus Port - Clemens Rösch
Ulrich Dörmann - Hans Becker
By way of a thank you for their work the men were officially honoured by Landrat Albert Berg-Winters.
The Thursday men were awarded in 2019
by the Sparkasse Koblenz with as "homeland heroes".
The accompanying video of the Sparkasse you can '
by clicking on the logo to watch.