

Welcomes with the church choir St. Marien of the abbey-church Sayn


The church choir St. Marien of the parish Maria Himmelfahrt in Bendorf-Sayn exists as assorted choir since 1922. approximately 35 active singers and singers, who contribute to the co-formation of the community-church services in the parish-church, that is known far over the region as "abbey-church Sayn", with classic works and newer spiritual song-property, belong to him.

The co-formation of the party-church services is among the regular choir-activities in the church-year
  an Weihnachten
  an den Kar- und Ostertagen
•  an Pfingsten und Fronleichnam
•  an der Sayner Kirmes (4. Sonntag nach Ostern)
•  am Pius-Fest (Pfarrfest am letzten Sonntag im August)

Also the sociability doesn't come too shortly, a grill-party serve her before the summer break, for example, and an annual trip.

If you have joy of the choir-chant, you are cordially welcome. Music-knowledge are helpful, but not necessary.

We rehearse regularly on Mondays from 19.30 o'clock until 21.00 o'clock in the parish-home in the abbey-church. Here, you find our live test-arrangement Probenplan 2017.

Also with your inactive membership, you support us in party-church services with the funding of music and at the performance of works with instrumental-company. The month-contribution established through the choir-meeting amounts to 1,00 at present Euro; for donations, corresponding certificates can be displayed. Here, you find our membership-explanation. Beitrittserklärung.

We look forward to being able to welcome you in our middle.

Our conversation-partners:


Dietmar Müller,
Tel. 02622 14454, sodemann-mueller@t-online.de

Karl-Josef Kannengießer,
Tel. 02601 6292906, kagi@rz-online.de

Choir directors:

Wolfgang Heinzen,
Tel. 02631 58844, wheinzen@onlinehome.de

© Kirchenchor St. Marien der Abteikirche Sayn
Katholische Kirchengemeinde Maria Himmelfahrt
Abteistraße 132, 56170 Bendorf-Sayn

All contents. especially the here portrayed photos. is copyright protected.

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